Informing and Empowering today and tomorrow's future Democratic leaders in Clark County, Nevada.
We meet on the second Thursday of every month at 11:30 a.m. See our schedule below. All Democrats are welcome!

The Women's Democratic Club of Clark County ("WDC") was chartered in 1955 by the Clark County Democratic Party:
To foster loyalty in our country and respect for the flag and to assist in developing the highest concept of patriotism;
To encourage membership in the Democratic Party;
To assist in the election of Democratic candidates to all political offices;
To assist the National, State, and County Central Committees as able.
Check our Events section for additional information on each meeting.
January 9
Board Installation &
“My Life in Nevada Politics:
The Memoirs of Senator Richard H. Bryan”
February 13
“Black History Month”
March 13
“Her Story in Honor of Women’s Month”
April 10
“Our Security – Terrorism, Cyber, and Public”
May 8
“Public Service Mom’s Who Excelled at Being Both”
June 12
“Dads Who Made a Difference”
July 12
Annual BBQ/Pool Party (No meeting)
August 14
“Celebrating Women’s Equality Day”
September 27
“Celebrating Us – 70th Jubilee” (No meeting)
October 9
“Celebrating Diversity”
November 13
Election of Officers/John Ralston’s Wrap-Up on the Year”
December 13
Annual Holiday Party (No meeting)
Upcoming Events
I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free
human being with an independent will.
Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre